Prescription Refills
For Medications We Prescribe
As an urgent care facility, our clinic does not offer prescription refills over the telephone. If you need more of the medication one of our physicians prescribed, you will need to be seen by us again. The best thing to do for a prescription refill is to call your primary care provider, who may or may not offer a prescription refill over the telephone.
For Medications Prescribed By Another Physician
If you are unable to see your private physician to get a refill of one of your long-term medications – such as blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, etc. – we may be able to assist you by giving you a refill for a short period of time. This requires a complete evaluation by our medical team, which will then refer you back to your primary physician.
Your private physician best handles prescription refills for medications considered “controlled substances” by the U.S. government – such as pain medications and anti-anxiety medications. Because of the nature of these medications, our medical staff will sometimes be unable to refill your prescriptions at all. If they are able to do so, they will often want to contact your primary care physician and have you fill out the other paperwork related to these medications, and the refill will be for an extremely limited period/amount.